June 2024

Loyal Order of the Moose

The Loyal Order of the Moose Scholarship was presented to Jesse Armendariz, Jailyn Carrasco, Juan Diego Duran, Jacoby Jimenez, Kaylah Madrid and Aryana Ramirez. Photos by TJ and Jennifer Palma - For the Daily Press .
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Madison Huddelston was the recipient of the Artesia Alfalfa Growers’ Association Scholarship. .
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Artesia Softball Boosters

Christy Aguilar and Melissa Warren presented the Artesia Softball Boosters Scholarship to Perseis Aguilar, Mikenzi Carlo, Ariana Chavez, Necel Jimenez, Madison Martinez, McKenna Morrison, Paola Sedeno-Gonzalez and Haley Tucker.
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Downtown Lions

Rhea Lynn Bean and Lacy Archuleta presented the Artesia Downtown Lions Scholarship to Braden Fuentes, Matthew Hafliger, Teagan Miller, McKenna Morrison and Mia Sanchez. .
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Adoptive Child

Names: Samuel, Liam Ages: 12, 11 Their Story: Samuel is a talented student who likes arts and crafts. Origami and LEGOs are his thing! He also enjoys making you laugh. Liam is compassionate, ontask and able to make positive self-statements. He is thoughtful and likes to be silly around those he is comfortable with. Liam’s also in a school LEGO club. Samuel and Liam have taken jiu-jitsu and seem to enjoy this activity.
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Senior MealSite Menu

13th Street and Gilchrist Avenue 575-746-6712 July 1-5 Monday Fidelos con carne, garden salad, mixed vegetables, flour tortilla, fruit salad Tuesday Green chile chicken enchiladas, pinto beans, crackers, orange jello with apricots Wednesday Green chile cheeseburger, lettuce, tomato and onion, green beans with tomatoes, tater tots, watermelon Thursday Closed for the Fourth of July holiday Friday Bean and cheese chalupa, lettuce and tomato, Spanish rice, calabacitas, strawberry shortcake 202 W. Chisum Ave.
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