Be Reconciled
By: Pastor Ty Houghtaling
Reconciliation is a consistent theme in the Bible. The process of reconciliation refers to the restoration of the broken relationship between humanity and God due to our rebellion, our sin.
This reconciliation process happens when a person recognizes his/her sins against God and seeks to have the debt paid in some way. Reconciliation is an accounting term. It is about having the books balanced. It is about ensuring that no outstanding debt remains unpaid. In the spiritual realm, reconciliation echoes the sacrificial system of the Old Testament, where atonement was made for sin.
Jesus becomes the ultimate sacrifice necessary to reconcile sinful mankind with our Holy God (Hebrews 9:11-14). Jesus bridges the chasm created by our sins, a gulf that we cannot cross on our own no matter what we do. The separation between us and God is just too great. Thankfully He has made a way, Jesus is the way (John 14:6). The call to “be reconciled” is an invitation to accept the work of Christ on the cross, which has made peace with God possible (Romans 5:10).
It is both a command and an offer of grace, urging individuals to accept the salvation freely given through Jesus. Have your books been balanced? Have you experienced reconciliation? This Saturday (February 22nd) starting at 8:00 in the morning, the Women of the Word ministries will host a one-day women’s event (lunch included).
It will be a day of worship and teachings on reconciliation. First Baptist Church Artesia on the corner of Grand and Roselawn will be the site of this conference. Ladies, come check it out, you’ll be glad that you did.
Ty Houghtaling is the Pastor at the First Baptist Church in Artesia.