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Downtown Lions

Rhea Lynn Bean and Lacy Archuleta presented the Artesia Downtown Lions Scholarship to Braden Fuentes, Matthew Hafliger, Teagan Miller, McKenna Morrison and Mia Sanchez. .
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Madison Huddelston was the recipient of the Artesia Alfalfa Growers’ Association Scholarship. .
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Marcos Morillon

Valeria Morillon Madrid presented the Marcos Morillon “Coach Mo” Scholarship to McKenna Morrison, Gage Jimenez, Matthew Hafliger and Kymber Beltran. .
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Loyal Order of the Moose

The Loyal Order of the Moose Scholarship was presented to Jesse Armendariz, Jailyn Carrasco, Juan Diego Duran, Jacoby Jimenez, Kaylah Madrid and Aryana Ramirez. Photos by TJ and Jennifer Palma - For the Daily Press .
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