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Clayton appointed chair of banking council

Daily Press Staff Report

Ken Clayton, Chairman and chief executive officer of Western Bank – Artesia, has been appointed chair of the American Bankers Association’s (ABA) Government Relations Council (GRC) for the 2024-2025 association year.

As GRC chair Clayton will also serve the year as an appointed member of the ABA Board of Directors.

The council is responsible for helping to shape and advance the association’s policy priorities through advocacy with Congress and the federal banking regulators and has the exclusive responsibility for recommending annual policy priorities to ABA’s Board of Directors. It also provides ongoing policy guidance to ABA leadership as policy issues arise during the year.

“It is an honor to chair this important council and to participate in the success of America’s banks of all sizes” Clayton said. “My participation gives me the opportunity to collaborate with my industry peers to develop solutions that will help our bank and other institutions better meet the needs of our customers and the broader economy”

The ABA Councils diverse membership is reflective of the industry at large, representing banks from across the country of varying asset size, charter type, and business structure, making it a critical committee in representing both the specific interests of the industry segments and the broader industry. GRC members also participate in ABA’s political engagement programs.

Clayton is a 37-year veteran of the community banking sector, having served Western Bank since 1998. Clayton is a past President of the New Mexico Bankers Association, a past member of the ABA’s Community Bankers Council as well as the ABA Membership Council.

Clayton is a graduate of the University of Colorado Graduate School of Banking and the New Mexico School of Banking.