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County commission to meet Tuesday in Carlsbad

CARLSBAD — The Eddy County Commission will have one public hearing on its docket during a regularly scheduled meeting Tuesday in Carlsbad.

Following a period for public comment, the board will host the public hearing to consider an ordinance granting a non-exclusive franchise to New Mexico Gas Co. Inc..

Other items on the agenda include: • an informational presentation regarding the annual site inspection of the Eddy County Detention Center by the county commission, presented by warden Billy Massingill.

• the setting of a meeting to canvass the results of the June 4 Primary Election.

• a presentation and discussion on the Otis gymnasium.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 4, in Commission Chambers at the Eddy County Administration Complex, 101 W. Greene St., Carlsbad.