Crash kills two state ocers

Looking back 40, 30 and 20 years ago, the following are excerpts from the Artesia Daily Press.
40 years ago August 4-10, 1984
Corporate pilot here earned multiple awards as AF flier. Marbob En –
ergy Corp. pilot Robert Bowman of Artesia is a
former decorated fight er pilot who was retired from the U.S. Air Force
in 1978 with the rank of major. His primary job
during military service was squadron pilot of
tactical fighter aircraft
with nuclear and conventional weapons de- livery. During his Air Force career he was
awarded three Distin guished Flying Crosses, 13 air medals, two Bronze Stars, A Purple Heart, Air Force Com – mendation Medal and other awards.
Tod Dun of the Ar tesia Waterdogs won this high point trophy after competing in the Caprock Swimming League championship
———— White named presi- dent of NM auto deal – ers. Allen White of Artesia was recently elected as president of the New Mexico Automotive Dealers Association. The As – sociation membership
consists of franchised new car and truck dealers throughout the state of New Mexico. White
assumed the leadership of the association at its annual state convention recently at Tamarron.
Rains moved into the mountain area Tuesday night of last week for
which everyone was so thankful. It seemed
to have rained over the southern part of the state and that is when it really does good when
it covers a large area.
Over an inch of rain fall was reported in several areas.
———— Old Timers’ gather for Hope fiddling reunion.
Lisa Johnson, left, accompanies her sister Debbie during Deb – bie’s selection for the contest.
———-Crash kills two state of-
ficers. The Federal Avi ation Administration is investigating the fiery
crash of a single engine airplane near Farmington that killed two state police ocers, an FAA ocial says. FAA investigation team ex pects no word on the cause of the crash until the probe is completed, said Minnie McKenna of the FAA’s district
oce in Albuquer – que. The two ocers,
who were scanning U.S. 550 for speeders, were killed, when their Cessna 172 crashed in flames on the highway.
———— The city’s water res- ervoir, fed by surface and underground drainage system, contained about 18 inches of wa ter Thursday, prior to added rainfall today.
For the past 48 hours, rainfall received in Ar- tesia is about four inch – es. Weather sources said Artesia received 2 ½ inches of rain Thursday and 1 ½ inches of rain during the past 24
30 years ago August 4-10, 1994
Joining Robert Fer – nandeez III, center, at the national A.A.U. baseball champion –
ships will be his par – ents, Robert Jr. and Balbina. Games begin Saturday Aug. 6, in Burnsville, Minn. Fer nandez will play for New Mexico Zias.
Defending champion Bubba Jennings tees o on No. 8 Friday af – ternoon in the Marbob
nine-hole individual shootout. Jennings won
in his 12-man group in the shootout.
Summer Program par – ticipant. Artesia High
School student Angel – ica Segura receives a
preview of college life during the New Mex –
ico State University’s Regents’ Summer Pro –
gram for High School Scholars. Segura of Artesia is shown with
University Museum Director Bradly Blake
and fossil reproductions from his “Bones
and Stones” class. She
was one of 81 outstanding high school juniors invited to N.M. S.U.
for two weeks to live in dormitories, meet honors students and take specially designed courses and field trips.
Franklin of Quay County checks out some hogs in this morning’s medium heavy duroc swine competition in
the show ring. Franklin
has his work cut out for him: the 233 entries in the swine competition may be the most ever.
Winner in this particular class was Anessa
Scott of Chaparral 4-H.
Blake Fanning of Cot- tonwood 4-H was sec – ond, followed by Tara Conklin, also of Cot-
tonwood 4-H.
20 years ago August 4-10, 2004
A group of high school soccer players participate in a piggy pack dribbling drill at the Ar –
tesia High School soc – cer camp conducted by
University of Wyoming assistant women’s soc- cer coach Misty Long.
———-These youngsters took a journey out to the fair yesterday morning on a little dog’s daycare field trip. For many of the children, seeing the
animals on exhibit was fascinating as heads turned to the sound of Bleating lambs and snorting pigs eyes beamed in excitement.
And hands pointed to show the caregivers all the new sites.
Ross Menefee, Steve Spence, Trampas Spen ce “The Cottonwood Chili Connection” took first place in the annu – al chili cook o at the
Eddy County Fair, their
chili out for other competitors and claiming honors.
———-New central principal hope to instill love of knowledge. Central Elementary School Tammy Davis is a bundle of energy get ting ready for the new school year. It’s a very powerful philosophy. Most of us are uninten – tionally inviting. What we want to do is being inviting intentionally,
she said. Tammy spent two years teaching In Dimmitt Texas, before
coming to Artesia with her husband. That was 20 years ago. And now another Davis. Her
son, Bradley, is getting ready to graduate from
Artesia High School this year.
Buyers bid on the grand champion Lamb with the final purchase price at $2,600. Many buyers contributed to Satur day’s Juniors Livestock sale at the Eddy County
Fair to encourage area youth and reward them with their summer of hard work Eddy County
is proud to have, some of the most enthusiastic supporters anywhere in the country. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Looking Back was
compiled By Daily Press Sta)