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Decision 2024

Third Congressional District race

Name: Sharon Clahchischilliage

Office sought: U.S. Congress, New Mexico’s Third District

Current occupation: New Mexico Public Education Commissioner

Party: Republican

Age: 75

City of residence: Gadiiahi


1. What, specifically, would you encourage the House to do about the following immigration issues:

a. The process by which immigrants may seek asylum in the U.S.

The current laws need to be enforced.

b. The backlog of millions of people waiting for their cases to be heard in federal immigration courts.

This is a judicial issue which can be fixed with legislation or an executive order.

c. Length of stay for documented noncitizens currently in the U.S. legally.

Enforce the current laws.

d. Deportation of undocumented noncitizens in the U.S. illegally.

The US reserves the right to deport illegal immigrants.

e. Prevention of illegal crossings into the U.S.

Enforcing the laws will deter illegal immigrants from crossing the border.


2. With New Mexico ranking so consistently at the bottom of all national rankings regarding K-12 education, what would you encourage the House do to address the issue?

A “one size fits all” does not work. There are schools within NM which have success rates which could be used as a model for other schools. As a Public Education Commissioner I have witnessed the success rates of Charter Schools whose teaching methods have addressed the educational inadequacies. The education systems need to change with the times to meet the needs of the student.


3. New Mexico has a history of being part of historic innovation in many fields, including science, military and the arts. What would you encourage the House to do to help our state build on and expand innovation in multiple areas?

The state needs to improve its rankings in crime and education in order to draw tech companies and their families. New Mexico has lost bids as with Space Force due to the factors of low rankings. New Mexico cannot build effectively if its rankings aren’t addressed.


4. Name an issue where you have, or would consider doing so, voted against the majority of your party because it was the better decision for the people in your district.

As a Congressional Rep I would place a priority on the needs of my constituents before the position of my party.


5. Knowing New Mexico as a state receives as much as 50 percent of its budget from revenues from oil and gas exploration, what would you encourage your colleagues in the House to do to protect the industry in the state?

a. What would you do to make the industry safer?

I believe the industry is very safe and other states should emulate New Mexico. New Mexico has the cleanest air in the U.S.

b. What would you do to simultaneously encourage other energy industries?

I would encourage competition and innovation. My main concern is to keep down utility bills and not pass down the cost to taxpayers.