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Election Day nears

El Rito Media Election Coverage

Eddy County voters go to the polls Tuesday to choose a new president, decide on who will represent the area in Congress and elect a new county sheriff.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

Anyone registered to vote in Eddy County can do so at any of the county’s Voting Convenience Centers.

Here’s where to go to cast your ballot.


St. Peter Lutheran Church

1302 W. Pierce St.

Lakeview Christian Home

1300 N. Canal St.

Veterans of Foreign Wars

1916 San Jose Blvd.

Hillcrest Baptist Church

605 N. 6th St.

Jefferson Montessori Academy

500 W. Church St.

County Clerk’s Office

325 S. Main St.

Eddy County Fire Service Center

1400 Commerce Drive

Otis Community Center

2513 Bannister Road


Loving School Administration

603 W Cottonwood


Faith Baptist Church

401 S. 20th St.

Eddy County Sub-Office

602 S. 1st St.

Central Valley Electric

1403 N. 13th St.

Trinity Temple Church

16th & Hermosa