Give Thanks

By: Pastor Ty Houghtaling
Read Psalm 107. Here are few things you might find in this Psalm.
1. If you have wandered away from God, you can call out to the Lord and He will bring you home.
Look, some of us wandered dang far away from the Lord. We were introduced to Him when we were young, but we were young and stupid, and we didn’t know what we were doing. Isn’t fascinating that He doesn’t micromanage us, He doesn’t control our every movement, nor stop us in our wandering? I think He does throw up some “Trouble Ahead” road signs, but we were young and stupid, and we thought we wanted to explore this big, beautiful world only to discover the world was incredibly broken and the places and people we encountered weren’t always on our side. I didn’t wander per se, but this broken world sent my family far away without any warning. We felt lost and confused. We experienced the crushing weight of despair. Yet, Jesus was still there for us in our season of doubt and confusion. His love endures forever.
2. If you have chosen the way of the world and rejected His ways either out of some sort of ignorance or rebellion, you’ve likely experienced the enslavement that comes with a world Hell bent on capturing lost souls. The Psalmist says He can free you from those chains.
Do you have any former chains that locked you up and out of God’s blessings? Did you call on God to set you free? He is the chain breaker, Jesus has said
“… “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:34b-36
3. Were you in a dark place? Did your mind betray you? Did you experience the evil of this broken world? Maybe you didn’t choose any of this darkness, rather it was thrust upon you.
God can bring light into your darkness. Trust Him and thank Him and show faith while you do what is necessary to heal. Thankfulness/gratitude towards God is the fuel of our faith.
Grateful people are joyful people. Grateful people live with an unwavering hope in God. Grateful people are motivated and courageous, bold and secure in their identity. Grateful people know what love is and they exhibit love in their words and actions. Grateful people don’t act entitled and they aren’t demanding. Grateful people praise more than they complain. Grateful people are more generous and tender to those in need. Grateful people consistently say, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1
Ty Houghtaling is the Pastor at the First Baptist Church in Artesia.