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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Way to go BULLDOGS! On Friday, August 23, 2024, at Bulldog Bowl, there were also some other winners. After the football game, I was helping my 72-year old sister-in-law to our vehicle. She was struggling because of the incline in the handicap parking lot. Out of nowhere came three young gentlemen, Beau Byers, Bradley Duncan, and Lucas Atkins and they asked if we needed some help. I was so surprised and happy. I asked them to get on each side of my sister-in-law and they helped her to our vehicle, then waited for her to get in the vehicle and closed the door. It is this kind of Bulldog Spirit/Manners, that makes me proud to live in Artesia. Thank you guys!!!

I challenge the community, if you catch someone doing a kind deed, please tell others!

Caryle Goss
