Local Officers receive awards at Council meeting

By: Rebecca Hauschild
Life Saving awards were presented to four Artesia Police officers by Artesia Chief of Police Kirk Roberts, during the August 27, 2024, Artesia City Council meeting. Roberts shared the circumstances for each award.
On April 23, 2023, Artesia Police Sergeant James Contrares, was responding to a call of a male subject who had cut himself in an apparent attempted suicide. When he arrived on the scene, a woman was trying to hold up a man leaning against a pickup. Contrares noticed three deep lacerations to the man’s arm causing heavy blood loss. Contrares applied a tourniquet to the man’s arm, saving the man’s life, evidenced by the heavy blood loss.
On April 14th, 2023, officers were investigating a vehicle located at an Artesia address that was connected to recent burglaries. Artesia Police Sergeant Xavier Aniya, along with the detective, were waiting for the approval of a search warrant when they heard a pop inside the residence. A woman came out of the residence screaming, “He shot himself.” Sergeant Aniya entered the residence and found a resident with a serious gunshot wound to the leg. Aniya quickly and correctly applied a tourniquet to the man’s leg to stop the heavy bleeding. This likely saved the man’s life.
On October 30, 2023, Artesia Police Officers David Barlow and Alexander Williams were dispatched to a local residence regarding a possible overdose. On their arrival, the officers found an unresponsive subject who was not breathing and whose lips were blue. Officer Barlow administered a dose of Narcan and started CPR. The two officers administered two more doses of Narcan and continued CPR until the subject began breathing without assistance. If not for the actions of Barlow and Williams, the subject may not have survived the overdose.
During the Government committee report Mayor Pro tem, Jeff Youtsey, reported the City is in the process of bringing in a consultant to help maneuver the City’s animal services program.
The Council approved the Artesia Rotary to install Little Libraries (library boxes) at city parks and properties. Initial locations will include Central Park, Eagle Draw, Jamaica Park, and Jaycee Park. Each little library will cost $400. Student Rotarians will help install and manage the little libraries. The City of Artesia library already sponsors one little library located in Heritage Walkway. There is a little library app that allows users to punch in their zip code and the app will show little libraries in the area on the map.
Community Development/Infrastructure Director Byron Landfair, shared the following projects that will be starting around the first of the year. These include; the Grand Street project, ADA ramp construction on the southeast quadrant of Artesia, the 2nd Avenue and Richardson rehab, and the 8th street waterline replacement, which will be in second quarter of 2025.
The council also approved Resolution 1879, to implement criteria governing the potential approval of service and/or consumption of alcohol on, or within, City-owned property, as authorized in Ordinance 1136. This resolution is a policy governing how someone can come in and apply for an event that will either serve or sell alcoholic beverages, said Valverde. “It sounds complicated,” said City Attorney Cass Tabor, “but it’s not.” To boil it down, applicants will go through the City application process just like they do for events now, and City departments will review and approve/disapprove like they do now. If preliminarily approved, then the applicant must complete the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department (NMRLD) Alcohol and Gaming Division Special Events Permit application, after that comes back, it must pass the City Council. The City recommends submitting the initial application at least 8 weeks prior to your event.
The Council then approved a public celebration permit to NMRLD for the Red Dirt Black Gold festival, to utilize the Balzano Family Vineyard, Drylands Brewing Co. and Downshift Brewing Company LLC.
The Council took no action on Resolution 1869, a resolution that would amend language within the City’s 401(A) Money Purchase Plan 457(b) with First American Bank to offer/allow distributions to employees in certain “emergency” situations. Examples would be; medical expenses for the employee or beneficiary, costs directly related to the purchase of an employee’s principal residence (excluding mortgage payments), tuition or related costs for post-secondary education for the employee or beneficiary, payments necessary to prevent the eviction or foreclosure of the employee from their principal residence, funeral expenses for the employee or beneficiary, etc.
The council approved the following requests for City facilities:
Artesia Mainstreet to hold Red Dirt Black Gold Pickleball Tournament at the Heritage Plaza on September 28, 2024, from 8am to 1pm.
Artesia Arts Council to hold a Red Dirt Run down Eagle Draw on September 28, 2024, from 7:30am to 10:00 am.
The Council approved the consent agenda with the following items:
Contracts, leases and agreements:
Agreement between State of New Mexico Tourism Department and the City of Artesia for Clean & Beautiful Grant Program
Memorandum of Agreement with the Eddy County DWI Program to file a joint application for FY25 CDWI MOU
Replacement appointment of Susan Idoy to the Commission on Aging Advisory Council (term to expire June 2025)
Hiring of:
Porfirio Segura, COA Van Driver, at $2600 p/mo
Briana Rojo Planning Code Enforcement Officer, at $3478.80 p/mo
Louis Vizcarrando Jr., IT Technician, at $3478.80 p/mo
Kyle Luna, Solid Waste Equipment Operator, at $2756 p/mo
Simon S. Flores, Police Officer, at $4860.26 p/mo
Promotion of:
Christopher Munoz, Facilities Maintenance, Community Improvement Tech, at $2920.66 p/mo
Armando Lucero, Fire, Division Chief at $8694.68 p/m
Travel and training:
F&A – two employees to attend the 2024 Budget Conference in Albuquerque, NM.
Planning – one employee to attend the Code Enforcement Training in Hobbs, NM.