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Officials reviewing donation of movie theater

Artesia Daily Press The City of Artesia is preparing for the overflow of planes and people from the Roswell Air Races starting in 2025. The commission approved the 2024-2025 budget during the July 23, 2024, Artesia City Council meeting, which included $4.2 million for local airport improvements.

The $4.2 million will be used to build tee-hangars, a type of aircraft hangar that efficiently houses multiple planes, terminal renovations, and the construction of a large commercial hangar, which is needed is for a company coming to Artesia that will house fixed wing aircraft as well as a maintenance facility, according to Mayor Proterm Jeff Youtsey.

With the council’s approval of Resolution 1871, which included the 2024-2025 budget, the 2023-2024 4th quarter report, and the end of year 2023-2024 budget adjustments, the City established two major place holders for capital and set aside $8.6 million for 26th Street project, $550,000 to build City offices and warehouse, $4.2 million for airport improvement and $1.8 million for future building upgrades.

“We have a deficit on paper of $1,069,000,” said Summer Valverde, City Clerk/Treasurer, “We have worked that down from $5 million a few years ago. We’re trying make sure numbers are more realistic in budgets. We feel confident about this final budget with reserves close to $20 million. That reserve will keep us in good standing if we experience some kind of natural disaster.” Mayor Jon Henry also shared the City has been in discussions and are hoping the movie theatre will be donated to the City of Artesia. “We’ve done quite a bit of studies to make sure the integrity of building is functional,” said Henry. “It’s coming in at just over $1 million to renovate. I think this is something very interesting for us. Though I don’t generally advocate for the City to own more buildings, I would strongly urge the council to continue to own the theatre building if we receive it. This would help us control what our downtown would look like. This isn’t a promise this is going to happen.” Infrastructure Director Byron Landfair reported on City projects:

• The new splashpad is complete and is waiting on a permit.

• The 26th street project will start at end of the year.

• A water line project will start the first week in January 2025.

• The new water well at the Bulldog tank will be beginning of early 2025.

• The NM DOT will be doing a speed study from Mill St. to 26th Street related to adding a signal light at the intersection of 26th Street and Hwy 285.

The council set two public hearings for August 13, 2024. The first is for an ordinance to approve Case No. 24-02: a variance to build a fence on 15ft of public right of way on the southeast corner of 7th Street and Dallas Avenue.

The second public hearing is for an ordinance controlling the service and consumption of alcoholic beverages on City property, as well as the penalties for violations. Currently alcoholic beverages can not be sold or consumed on City property, according to Mayor Henry. “That is why beer gardens, and the like are always held on private property like parking lots.

This ordinance would change that and actually give the City far more control. I’d really like public input on this ordinance.”

During the public hearing portion of the meeting, the council approved Ordinance 1128 for Case No. 23-105, a zone change from single family district “R1-B” to special use “SU-1” on approximately 171,713 sf. at 601 South Twenty- Third Street. Owners are Beverly Still and Brad Knowlton.

The council approved an ordinance to amend Ordinance 615 1-6-14 of the Employee Practices and Regulations, a position classification plan to arrange a pay plan which provides a logical progression of pay on an annual basis for each employee. After completion of six-month probation, which was previously 12 months, of employment with the City of Artesia employees will be eligible to receive an annual increase in pay which follows the adopted pay scale, according to Director of Human Resources Jerry Conde. This increase will take effect annually on July 1 and be paid starting on the first July pay day schedule.

In other business the council approved the following resolutions

• Resolution 1866, presented by Artesia Fire Chief Kevin Hope, adoption of the Eddy County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazard Mitigation Plan for Eddy County, City of Carlsbad, and the City of Artesia.

• Resolution 1870, setting fees for the Artesia Recreation Center football program.

• Resolution 1872 adopting new per diem rates.

• Resolution 1873 authorizing the City of Artesia to pick up 75% of the Plan 2 PERA General Member Coverage, Plan 5 Municipal Fire Member Coverage, and Plan 5 Municipal Police Member Coverage contributions in effect July 1, 2024; Rescinding Resolution 1831. This is set by state statute, according to Valverde.

During the government committee report Mayor Proterm Jeff Youtsey said they had reviewed a report on the Senior Center from Carol Griffin, and discussed cost estimates for the airport upgrades, including the tee-hangers and the large hangar.

Following an executive session the commission approved the termination of an employee in the infrastructure department and uphold the suspension of another employee in the infrastructure department while agreeing to provide him services before he returns to work.

In the consent agenda the commission approved the following personnel changes and travel requests from the Police Department:

•Hire Erica Flott Varela, Police Officer, at $5071.73 p/m

•Promote James Contreras, Police Sergeant, at $6718.40 p/m

•One employee to attend the Filed Training Officer Course in Albuquerque, NM.

•One employee to attend the Conducting Pre-Employment Background Investigations.