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Voices of the Next Generation

By: Josiah Deason
Junior, Artesia High School

The Red Dirt Black Gold Festival

     The relocation of our Red Dirt Black Gold Festival may have culminated a sense of shock to some, though was a necessary step towards the continual development of our thriving community. The intent of the Red Dirt Black Gold Festival is not only to host an immersive environment for fellowship to thrive, but to reflect upon our heritage that founded the basis of this very community that we have held in high regards to, the City of Artesia.


     An immediate effect of this relocation was the immense expansion and attendance of our community that is no longer limited to a few parking lots along Texas Avenue, rather it span across the entirety of down-town Artesia on Main Street. The execution of this decision was coordinated by our City’s Executive Director of Artesia Mainstreet Event Coordinator, Morgan Fox.


     Morgan Fox was first asked “Being the Main Street Event Coordinator for the City of Artesia, what inspired you to move the Red Dirt Black Gold Festival onto Downtown Main Street?” She then remarkably answered “After a successful run of eight years having RDBG on Texas Avenue, we wanted to see if we could elevate the event by moving it to Main Street. A move to Main would allow more event space for attendees to dance, more seating near the stage, more gathering space, and increase our vendor space as well. We wanted to expand the beer garden to the entire event area and logistically, Main Street made the most sense. Most importantly, we wanted to highlight our stunning, one-of-a-kind, gem of southeastern NM, Main Street in Artesia.”


     Fox was asked the upcoming question “If successful, will this event take place on Downtown Main Street in the foreseeable years to come?” To which Fox replied “Yes, we will continue to host Red Dirt Black Gold on Main Street. We are already reviewing how we can improve and elevate the event in 2025.”


     As I attended the festival and aimlessly wandered around, I could not help but appreciate the beauty in the unity and fellowship within our community, and for the tasteful setting of the festival’s live music as it blended with the vibrant and engaging atmosphere of the Land of Enchantment, it envelopes a sense of pride from the heritage within our community that can’t be ignored, but rather embraced in moments that we spend in the reflection of our community’s history.