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Would Washington and Lincoln recognize the Congress of today?

By Senator Jim Townsend

This past Monday was President’s Day. Officially celebrated on the third Monday in February celebrating all of those whom have served as President of the United States. This holiday was first celebrated in 1879 to recognize President’s Washington and Lincoln.

I wonder what President Washington and President Lincoln would think of what has happened over the years in and to the United States? Would they recognize the Congress of today?

I think it would be very interesting to listen to them today as we discuss issues of taxation, regulation, spending, education and national security. This morning is Rules Committee, we passed a Bill enshrining over $9B to the future of Early Childhood Education. In 1880 the United States had a surplus in the budget of over $100M. That caused a real problem! Policy Makers were forced to defend the surplus and to try to figure out how to cut taxes equitably among taxpayers. Today the United States has a budget of $6.75T, loaded with a deficit of $1.83T. Today every person in America is burdened with almost $2000 each just to pay the interest on our debt or about $660B annually.

I think the President’s mentioned above would have a hard time grasping that fact. But with that said, we have come a long way! I doubt they would believe we had successfully put men on the Moon, or grasp the fact of a of fighter jet flying at nearly 10 times the speed of sound. That would be quite a adjustment for a man that thought Paul Revere had accomplished a great feat.

My point is, we should embrace our successes and accept the known challenges before us as a civilization. We can continue to develop a better life for each of our citizens, but we should acknowledge the responsibility to allow future generations to make decisions other than being challenged on how to pay the debt we encumbered them too. Our responsibility is to provide them a bright future that is safe and prosperous.

Today in New Mexico, for many reasons, but predominantly because of the God given blessing of the Permian and Delaware basins we have much income. I have said on the House floor that “we have more dollars than sense”. We certainly have more money than we have capacity to deploy responsibly.

I believe we should pay down some debt in these time of abundance. We are putting some funds into “Permanent Funds” as we did today for Early Childhood but we need better plans. Yesterday I voted against SB1, SB2 and SB3. All three intertwined Bills facilitated $1B into a permanent fund, plus $200M initial investment, to try to address mental health issues in New Mexico. I do believe we have a crisis of mental health but we needed a better plan. I support a significant investment, but smaller, allowing us to perfect a process that we could then replicate across our State. Putting $1B into a fund, without adequate protections in New Mexico will cause much mischievous thoughts and opportunities. Judiciously protecting such investment is no easy task, maybe equally laborious to addressing mental health.

We also should be returning and reducing the tax burdens on citizens when we keep having surpluses. Putting dollars in our citizens pockets strengthens their standard of living, increases cash flow in communities and small businesses and enhances communities and children’s lives. We have that responsibility above just increasing our spending to meet temporary surpluses.

Our State has been blessed with resources, industrious businesses with amazing employees enabling a bright future. I think our Presidents of past did much to provide for our ability to prosper and we should do the same for those that follow in our paths. We should perform our jobs as wisely as they did providing opportunities for their futures.

Jim Townsend from Artesia, is a New Mexico State Senator representing District 34.